

Mote Marine Laboratory

Mote Marine Laboratory
Sarasota, FL
Date of Visit: April 11, 2012
Cost of Admission: $17 (free for Fonz members)

The Mote Marine Labratory in Sarasota was an interesting place to go. It was kind of disappointing though. The parking was free, but it was so cramed and packed that we barely got a spot. It took us quite a while to find parking. I personally would have rather paid for it, than have people create their own spots and box others in. The aquarium was very small as well so it would have gotten 0 stars if it wasn't free. It did have some good parts, but I don't think we'll be going again and I do not recommend it.

Highlights: The Penguins were really cool, but they are at the majority of zoos and aquariums in Florida. These African penguins can be seen at Jacksonville Zoo and Lowry Park Zoo among others. Both of those zoos have way better exhibits for the penguins also. Plus this exhibit is only temporary at Mote Marine Labratory. They did have a barracuda that you could see from a cool angle so that was really neat. Unfortunately, no picture of that. That was the only saving grace for this place besides the price being right.

More Jellies
Sea Turtle
We barely gave this zoo 2 elephants out of 5. The barracuda/shark exhibit and the fact that we got in free were the main reasons it got any elephants at all. This is the worst zoo or aquarium we have rated to this point. I also got sick from the food served at the aquarium making everything worse. Only go if you are in the area. Don't make a special trip.



  1. oh my gosh! thank you for this information!!! the pictures make it look good.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. We've been here before. I'd say that since Nick is from the area, he likes it- it's nostalgic for him. I agree that it's overpriced though. There is a bird sanctuary next door: which I enjoyed more than the aquarium. It's $5 now, but it was free back when I'd gone. Hope that helps!

  3. Ya we didn't want to pay extra for the birds after I was feeling sick. It looked pretty neat though. We liked it enough, but wouldn't make the special trip back because we have better zoos and aquariums in Tampa.
